Course curriculum

    1. Welcome message from Laura

    2. Course Outline & Benefits

    1. Part One: Slow Thinking is Lifesaving for Dogs, An Overview

    2. Part Two: Social Processing Vs Social Engagement by Andrew Hale

    3. Part Three: Nonviolent Social Processing®

    4. Part Four: Interoception is Lifesaving for Dogs

    5. Part Five: What is a Prosody of Safety?

    6. Dogs and Humans Have Similar Social and Emotional Brains

    7. Dog sociability is a spectrum

    8. Good Observations

    9. Sniffari

    10. The Importance of Time and Space

    11. What is a Biothane Long Line

    12. PEACE resource protocol

    13. Zoom meeting saved chat, 2-4-2025

    14. Zoom meeting recording, 2-4-2025

    15. CEU Requirements--Description

    1. Slow Thinking as Social Problem-Solving

    2. Wyatt's Full, Unedited Free Work Session

    3. Introduction to ACE Free Work by Sarah Fisher

    4. Setting up the free work space

    5. Free Work Checklist

    6. Tool Use & Problem Solving in Animals

    7. Animal Cognition, Rooks Team Up to Solve a Problem

    8. Dolphin problem solving

    9. Zoom Meeting Recording 2-11-2025

    1. Part One, The Relaxation Response

    2. Part Two: Breathwork is Lifesaving for Dogs

    3. Alternate Method of Teaching Taking a Deep Breath

    4. How Dogs Breathe

    5. The Relaxation Response, its subjective & objective historical precedents & physiology

    6. Ear Tellington Touch

    7. Mindful Breathing with your Animal

    8. Touch and Breathe

    9. Zoom Meeting Recording, 2-18-2025

    1. Introduction to Cognitive Reappraisal

    2. Beginning the DISLAT Game

    3. Further Thoughts on the DISLAT Game

    4. The DISLAT Game, Written Instructions

    5. Real-life example of the DISLAT Game

    6. Using the DISLAT handout with clients

    7. Get Out of Dodge Game

About this course

  • $250.00
  • 42 lessons
  • 12.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today